Monday, April 20, 2009

Some Easter Pics

This one is my favorite. Sean looks like popeye. They just got up and couldn't wait to get into their baskets. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Solar Oven

This is a solar oven that my mom bought while they were out here. My mom made banana bread in it in my backyard. We just used a regular banana bread recipe and loaf pan. It was so cool to see it work and you could smell the bread cooking. It tasted great. Just like you had cooked it in a real oven.

Idaho Trip

My parents came out to visit for a while and we went up to my brother's house in Idaho for a few days. We had a really good visit that didn't last long enough. The kids made cookies together. Which they loved. It was sugar cookie dough that was colored and the kids used it like playdoh. Then you bake them and they keep the shape. We also went to a science museum.